2024 12U League Schedule
League Director:
Rachel Peters

- Play time is 1 hour and 10 minutes.
- Neither team is allowed to score more than 6 runs per inning.
- Run rule 12 after 3, 10 after 4, and 8 after 5.
- Teams can play with either 9 or 10 players in the field and batting line up, however if 10 players are utilized on the field, the Designated Hitter (DH) or the (EP) can NOT be used. A 12th player must be substituted in/out of the game with the umpire and score keeper.
- When playing 10 players on the field, 4 must be in the outfield.
- The pitching mound will be 40 feet from home plate.
- Infield fly rule does apply.
- The third strike rule does apply (see definition below).
- Stealing is permitted at all times included stealing home.
- The Visiting team is responsible for assigning someone to operate the scoreboard.
- No jewelry is permitted, including the hair. Any earring that cannot be removed must be taped over or covered by band-aid.
- No Abusive language is allowed in or around the complex.
- No Smoking is allowed in or around the complex. (City Park rule)
- Alcoholic Beverages are not allowed in or around the complex.
- Team Managers are responsible for making sure the scorekeeper has a copy of the lineup prior to the start of the game.
- Please make sure the dugouts are cleaned out before leaving.
- All USSA rules apply unless otherwise noted.
Please remember this is about the girls and making sure they are learning the game of softball as well as having fun!